Are you worried about your Parents Aging in Place?

When Adult Children Worry About Parents Aging in Place

Don’t panic! 

When your parents determine they will be aging in place, adult children may fret at the decision. According to AARP, 87% of those over 65 years old want to stay home, and there are benefits to doing it.  Learning more about the process and opening communication with your parents can help them achieve their dream, and help you feel comfortable with the decision. 

Knowing the best questions to ask will help alleviate stress for everyone. Discussing safety, emergency procedures, shopping, driving, exercise, isolation, and affordability for aging in place will allow you to help them plan for success.  These are the people who taught you to look both ways when you crossed the street, and so it may seem awkward at first. However, the more you talk, the better you’ll feel that this could be the best solution for them. 

Adult children may not realize that aging in place can save money, and that the independence of staying at home can prevent decline. There are also many services available which softens the weight of responsibility. 

Learn how to take the first steps with your parents, and you may develop a plan for aging in place for yourself in a few decades!