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Safety Tips for Thanksgiving

With COVID turning so many traditions upside down in 2020, tips for a safer Thanksgiving may ease any upcoming holiday stress. Some contend it is best to celebrate this year with your in-home family, but how many believe that scenario will play out?

If you are going to include others in your holiday dinner, there are ways to increase safety. First of all, if you can, take the feast outside. Barring an early snowstorm or a torrential downpour, hosting dinner in the crisp, fall air can enliven any gathering.

If you don’t invite as many people as usual, it could help keep a safe space among the guests. If you’re indoors, you may want to keep windows open to circulate the air. You may also have the perfect excuse to request that certain crazy relatives not attend by noting that they’re from a COVID hotspot within the country.

Read six tips HERE to host a safe Thanksgiving. Enjoy the holiday as securely as possible, but keep in mind, there will always be some risk.  The best advice is the same you heard when you were a child: wash your hands before dinner!

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