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Bird Watching: Your New Favorite Past Time!

Join the fun! There are 17 million people who watch birds in the wild, and 45 percent of them are over 55-years-old. The beauty of this sport is that all you need are your eyes and ears to enter into a world of beautiful birdsong that bird watching provides.

If you want to get away from the noise of family, friends, or the media, simply step outside and begin to walk. If you’re lucky enough to live near a wooded area, you’ll soon hear chirping or wings flapping. An hour of being in the silence of the forest can lead to a symphony of song. The sport promotes mindfulness as you remain in the moment while looking and listening to the entertainment.

Not only can you staying mentally sharp keeping up with the types and breeds of the species, but you are also activating different sensory regions of your brain. You are also exercising those legs and getting the blood flowing with each venture into the wild.

Homebound seniors are capable of enjoying the sport by installing a bird feeder near their window. Choosing the feed lets you control the types of feathered creatures you can view.

Read HERE to learn why birding is healthy for seniors, and explore links to begin your new hobby!


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