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Seniors with No Travel Regrets

Dreams don’t materialize unless you step up and take action. In other words, you have to work to make things happen. If you’ve always wanted to travel more, making the plane reservation or carving out the time begins now. Big goals like sleeping in an ice cave in Scandinavia won’t happen spontaneously!

Many people put off adventurous travel because of kids, costs, or waiting for retirement. One 81-year-old gentleman recounts that he waited until it was too late because his wife died but then decided to travel solo through the Canadian Rockies.

One couple, aged 68 and 58, decided to sell everything and begin a six-month sojourn across the world. If they were going to climb the 1,001 steps up Chamundi Hill in Mysore in India for example, they better get those knees moving soon.

What some people discovered, especially this past year is that travel doesn’t have to be an either-or competition with work. As remote access became more accessible and accepted, they could bring the laptop along to foreign locations.

The most exciting advice may be to choose the wildest adventures first before age slows you down. Read HERE for valuable tips from experienced seniors.


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