Rock Climbing in Your 60s

“I look for the oldest people in the gym and introduce myself, and they never fail to offer to belay me.” This quote is from a woman from Iowa who assembled a group of women over fifty who climb together. Two of them are over 70! Learning rock climbing in the gym can also branch quickly out to travel. Once her group graduated from the indoor gym, they couldn’t find many mountains in Iowa!

Rock climbing gyms offer seniors a new adventure and a supportive community. The goal isn’t to climb Mt. Everest but to enjoy the exercise and challenge yourself in small doses. The group of women from Iowa enjoys climbing moderate routes with a lot of chatter between belays. Strength training in the gym together during the week provides social interaction and allows bonds to form. Joining a climbing club for those over 50-years-old means you’ll never be at a loss for a partner.

Most seniors 60+ are far from sitting in the rocking chair. A new challenge may be just what you’re looking for as the days grow longer and the world – and gyms- open up again.

Read HERE about one fearless woman who thrives on challenges and gathered other people like herself. It is one way to stay young!