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Aging Topic: Aging in Place Blog for Seniors

“Man’s Best Friend” serving those Aging-in-Place

Man’s best friend is taking the laundry out of the dryer! Dogs are turning the lights on and off for you, opening the refrigerator, and fetching medicine when they hear specific sounds. Australia and Scotland are experimenting with “dementia dogs” that work in conjunction with a caregiver.

While dogs will never replace a caregiver, trained service dogs can aid seniors in multiple ways. A trained service dog can guide seniors on sidewalks and help with crossing the street. Caregivers can feel at peace knowing that a service dog can find their way home even if the senior might not remember.

People wanting to age-in-place may find more help from a furry friend as the practice gains in popularity. The success of pilot programs assures that the emerging field will help many who want to retain their independence but may want a dog as more reinforcement.

A service dog can help a senior with visual impairment, hearing loss, or mobility issues, depending on the needs. They’ve even pulled wheelchairs along!

Read HERE to find more information about getting a service dog.




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