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Support Groups for Caregivers

You are not alone. If you are a caregiver, you are one of 34 million people caring for someone over 50. At times it may feel you are the only one in the world that deals with the ups and downs of what you do, but many others experience the same thing. 

Talking with others can alleviate stress and validate your experience, as family members and friends often can’t provide the support you need. A support group offers much-needed social connections as they reveal others going through both positive and negative emotions. 

The benefits of a group include learning new techniques or treatment options that can help you in your daily tasks. You may learn healthy coping skills to help reduce feelings of depression or anxiety. If you are in a supportive group, you can open up without feeling judged or defensive. Overall, you are gaining a sense of empowerment as you feel more in control. 

It is not difficult to find a caregiver support group in your area, and there are even support groups for specific health conditions you may be dealing with like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. 

Read HERE to find links to support groups and learn 8 benefits of joining one. Taking care of yourself allows you to better care for others.



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