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Fifty-Five Tips for June Gardening

The flowers are blooming, and the vegetables are popping! June in the garden is a time to rejoice. With the longest day of the year arriving, you have more time if you want to spend all day in the dirt and all evening enjoying the fruits of your labor.

Watering is your top priority during the summer. Check your plants daily to ensure they have enough moisture. Enjoy your time with the hose after pulling any errant weeds. You don’t want your plants to have to compete with those weeds for light, water, or nutrients. 

Mind your vegetables! Harvest your salad crops and enjoy a mid-day break with a light and lovely green bowl of lettuce leaves. If you cut them back every two weeks, you’ll have a consistently tasty salad. As you anxiously await the tomato crop, pinch out side shoots and repot them to create new tomato plants. Tomatoes define summer for many people. 

Save your rainwater to nourish your blueberry plants. The lime in tap water reduces the acidity of the soil over time. If you’re competing with birds and squirrels for the first crop of fruit, add netting on tall posts around the plants to thwart the thieves. 

Need 55 trustworthy tips for your garden? Read HERE for ways to stay busy outdoors in June and to enjoy the fruits (literally) of your labor. 



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