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Tricks for Aging Well – staying up to date, socializing, laughing.. A Lot

Enjoying life may provide big dividends as you age. One study of over 3,000 people showed those with an unhappy disposition were twice as likely to develop diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and strokes. Yikes! Maybe curmudgeons can learn some of the secrets that make happy seniors tick.

It may be as easy as listening to the latest Taylor Swift album. Staying up to date with the younger generation’s music may improve your mood and memory. Your grandchildren will think you’re hip, and that may be enough to make anyone happy. 

Up your good-looks quota. A great haircut or a new hair color can transform your face leaving you more confident. Teeth whitening may provide a reason to smile more. Even better, watch some funny videos on YouTube. One study shows that  laughing improves memory!

Another study showed a 50% increase in people who live alone between ages 55 and 64 over the last decade. Staying social is an antidote to loneliness. Ensure you connect with one person every day. There’s no better time to make new friends as a senior through volunteering or chatting with others at the park while watching the grandkids or walking your dog.

Read HERE for a myriad of ways to stay happy and healthy through the decades ahead. Life is better with a smile on your face.  



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