Site icon Aging Topic: Aging in Place Blog for Seniors

Growing… Older, Smarter, & with the right Gardening tools!

Many who have loved to garden all their lives look forward to retirement as a time when they can spend untold hours in the garden.. but as time goes by, we will find we can use all the help we can get to make gardening more comfortable! The health benefits are endless, but having tools to make it easier brings the joy to another level as you spend time on the ground level..  Raised beds, a garden cart, anything to reduce the need to bend over, soaker hoses, hanging baskets on pulley systems so they can be lowered to work on, and even levers instead of knobs on faucets and gates will all make Senior gardening a true pleasure.  Lots of ideas are HERE  and we’d love to hear more from you with any and all suggestions for ways to improve Gardening for Seniors!

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