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Outside Boosts for your Inside…

Whether you’re only able to move your morning coffee outside or able to spend your whole day outside, I think we can all agree getting outside is important. Breathing in that fresh air and letting in the natural light puts everything, including the rest of your day, in a different perspective. Following is a list of ideas that you may want to include in your morning schedule: 

  1. Move your coffee time outside! Curl up with a good book, or if you have an action packed day, just enjoy sitting and sipping. If you still use a french press, it’s lovely to watch the steam around it while sitting on a porch letting it steep. 
  2. Move your workout outside! If you do not have a morning workout, maybe it’s time to start. Getting your blood flowing is important and beneficial to your health. Anything from stretching to lifting weights – moving around is the number one goal. Personally, I love to stretch – especially outside in the morning. It’s a beautiful way to begin, and stretching helps me breathe in positivity and motivation to begin my day. 
  3. Practice photography. If you don’t have a camera, I’m willing to bet your phone does. Morning scenes before the world wakes up are incredible to witness first-hand, and makes it nearly impossible to take a bad photo. 
  4. Try to watch the sunrise as often as possible! This one explains itself – everyone loves a good sunrise – and if you’re not an early bird, just get up to watch it and go back to bed!
  5. Pick up an art hobby! Morning is a good time for just about everything, including getting your creative juices flowing. Whether you have an excellent view and want to try recreating it, or if you just want to sit and draw or paint with abstract style, this is one of my favorite ways to start the day. Who knows – you might surprise yourself! 

Starting your morning by getting outside turns your world around. The most important thing is to take it step by step – there’s no need to rush things. Whether you begin with exercise or coffee, you will look forward to your morning, and the rest of your day!

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