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The Science behind better Memory with 1 cup of Cranberries per day…

Twelve weeks can be seen as a very long time if you’re talking about a vacation, or a very short time if you’re talking about health and wellness. A study was recently done by people from all over the world to review the effects of cranberries on memory and dementia. How they arrived at this theory, I have no clue. I’ve always known that cranberries are good for your health and specialize in areas such as helping your bladder, but I would never have guessed it would achieve all of these benefits listed in only a matter of 12 weeks! I love drinking unsweetened cranberry juice as often as possible – it acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and it doesn’t hurt that it’s delicious.. Their study also showed improvement with visual memory, neural functioning, and delivering blood to your brain. Read more about the science behind cranberries here.

Keep in mind – while anything with cranberries in it will do, it’s best to avoid beverages such as cranberry juice cocktail which has added sugar.  If you aren’t one for the taste, there are very affordable concentrated cranberry pills that you can pick up in any nearby pharmacy or buy cranberry powder.  Freeze-dried cranberry powder provides the same amount of nutrients as fresh cranberries and contains a higher concentration of antioxidants than fresh fruits. Sprinkle some on your oatmeal, cereal, yogurt, dessert, or in a smoothie! 

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