#3 Summer Mocktail series with Health Benefits: Pina Colada

Piña Colada 

With only three ingredients and a blender, you can turn your porch into a white sand beach! Blending one cup of frozen pineapple chunks, ⅓ cup of coconut cream, and ½ cup of pineapple juice (go for the Dole 100% fruit juice with added vitamin C: 48 cans for $29.76!), you’ll travel to the Bahamas any time of day. Yes, it’s very sweet, but who can resist? Enjoy this virgin pina colada and add rum to turn it into a cocktail. 

With plenty of health benefits, pineapple is tasty and good for your body. Full of vitamin C and manganese, they add to your daily value of copper, thiamin, folate, potassium and more. Some studies show it can also ease symptoms of arthritis. Guilt-free sweetness!