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One More Reason to Consider a Geriatrician

How often do you hear from your doctor that your ailment is all a part of aging? According to the American Geriatrics Society, thirty percent of those over 65 should be under the care of a doctor trained in geriatrics, but they are in short supply.

Seniors see a myriad of doctors who prescribe medications from their specialty. If one complains of depression, fatigue, or pain, it may not be part of aging. It may be the interaction of multiple drugs interacting against each other. Medication-related problems are one of the top five causes of death in those over 65. A doctor in one specialty may not want to override the drug recommended by another doctor. It isn’t uncommon for doctors not explicitly trained in geriatrics to shrug off the complaints to age.  Studies published show that ageism is strong in the health care profession. Twenty percent of people over the age of 50 experience discrimination. More studies showed that providers are less patient or engaged with seniors, and they may dismiss chronic pain or arthritis as old age.

According to the American Geriatrics Society, thirty percent of those over 65 should be under the care of a doctor trained in geriatrics, but they are in short supply.   Follow this LINK from NBC News for a detailed account of the dilemma older patients face with their doctors. 



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