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Appreciate the difference between the “Old Fashioned” & the “Manhattan”

AgingTopic appreciates the word “Old Fashioned” more than most websites out there. While we typically associate it with the way things used to be done, or a way things were done long ago, today we are focused on a new and better definition of Old Fashioned as we prepare to celebrate the drink of the same name! Have you heard of a Benton’s Old Fashioned? If you’ve had one, you’re lucky.. and if you haven’t, buckle up. Bacon-infused bourbon with maple syrup instead of a sugar cube in this version. Can you say sign me up? 

Every cocktail ever invented has variations. One might say a Manhattan is a variation of an Old Fashioned, or vice versa. To me, that’s untrue. They are each incredibly their own thing. Simply put, an Old Fashioned has spirit (typically bourbon or rye whisky), sugar, angostura bitters and ice. A Manhattan has whisky, vermouth, and angostura bitters. Both are stirred, not shaken, and both hold the same level of status in the cocktail community. While they may be similar, understanding the difference is part of appreciating the cocktail itself. The following article describes an Old Fashioned as more straight forward and a better cocktail to let the spirit shine brighter than in a Manhattan where it can be slightly overshadowed with different subtleties. Read more HERE


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