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Coast to Coast Fun for $20 or less, with Insider tips from Locals

From Florida to California, here are 17 destinations where you can have lots of fun for $20 or less! They spell out loads of free events, tours, parks, beaches, shuttles, and more along with great ideas for low-ticket items to build lifelong memories of these dynamic cities.  Tips include many references to handicap-accessible features as well. As they suggest iconic stops for local food popular in each spot, and live links to art galleries, tours, and activities, you will whet your appetite and feel the need to plan your next trip right away!

Explore their tips for Indianapolis, Gettysburg, Long Beach, Houston, Baltimore, Princeton, Macon, Boston, New Orleans, Denver, Portland, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco, San Antonio, Charleston, and even Hurricane, Utah…   Even if you have been to these places, there are tips included that only the locals know about so take a few minutes to see if there are surprises for you to explore with a return trip as you search for Fun around the US for $20 or less


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