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The Powers of Edible Flowers

It’s a great time to be a trend-setter… While eating flowers may not be a new idea, how many of your friends actually serve salads or tea with flowers in them? Read through this summary and grab the highlights of how each plant can be a healthy choice as well as a beautiful way to decorate your next salad..

Lavender – it’s aromatic purple flowers offer a lovely flavor with citrus hints. It can aid digestive issues like nausea or gas, and can be added to baked goods, teas, sorbets, and salads among many options.  Besides, lavender symbolizes devotion which is why it may prominently appear in wedding bouquets and flower arrangements…

Dandelion – even though you grew up being told it’s only a weed, it’s actually packed with healthy minerals, vitamins, and fiber.. and it’s low in calories. You can toss it in a salad or even bread and fry it as a snack!

Fennel – it’s mildly sweet with a crunchy texture when eaten raw or cooked… try steeping the seeds, leaves, and flowers to brew a tea that aids in digestion, heartburn, bloating, and even colic in infants (check with your doctor to be sure they approve)! Fennel is rich in nutrients which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as well as antifungal and antiviral effects – so grab some today 🙂

Hibiscus – besides being rich in Vitamin C, it can support heart health by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It can be made into a tea or jams, or tossed in a salad.  When brewed, it turns bright red and offers a tart and sour flavor.  In addition, hibiscus can be used as natural dye or food coloring, or turned into a paste and used as a natural shampoo.

Candula – with antimicrobial properties to help prevent infections and rashes, and heal injuries to body tissues, it also provides antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. A bitter flavor, the petals and leaves can be hidden well in a leafy salad, or brewed into a tea.  The petals have flavonoids which have antidiabetic, anticancer, and neuroprotective effects!

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