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Bears with Manners…

We haven’t posted a recent animal video lately, and when we came across this one we knew you had to see it!   This lady’s mountain house which borders a national park, is apparently a magnet for bears – and she does a wonderful job combining the acknowledgement that this isn’t “normal”, with a love for what the bears enjoy about being near her house & hearing her voice.  She does make it clear that she knows it’s not 100% safe, as wild animals can be unpredictable, but the comfort and security they seem to have around her house is amazing – as is their seeming ability to understand what she is saying!  Her ‘house rules” also made us laugh to see how she enforces boundaries.

Let us know if you have any funny animal videos we can share on AgingTopic by sending us a note to Enjoy her unique black-bears-relationship  here.

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