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An Urge to Purge Your Closet!

If you have a closet where it’s either a struggle to squeeze another item in on a hanger, or where you feel like you just don’t have anything to wear… try this approach during these colder months where most of us are spending plenty of time inside and away from the cold weather!

  1. Carve out a few hours for this and prepare for instant gratification afterwards.  First, empty your closet of everthing – or at least your half! Place all clothes on your bed or a couch so you can have a completely empty space to work with.
  2. Clean your empty closet – vaccuum, dust, wipe down everything preferably with some cleaning solution which you love the smell of..
  3. Categorize item by item: First set aside the clothes (and purses, shoes, hats, scarves, etc) that you already know you can live without. Then, set aside the clothes which are your absolute favorites. Be sure you look at these clothes with this thought in mind: “I love this one and want to put it on right now!” Finally, have a pile left of the clothes you haven’t quite decided on.  The “I might wear this again later”
  4. Compare & Coordinate: Take the clothes which are your favorites and try each of them on right now to be sure they still fit in all the right places… compare how they fit now vs the last time you wore them; our bodies do change over time and your memory of how you looked in it last time may be different from how it fits today. It is extremely important that you do not save favorites for when you lose that 10 pounds. If you can’t wear it now, let it go. If or when you do lose the extra pounds, then reward yourself with something new! For those that still fit you beautifully today, hang them on hangers in your closet.  This is when you can choose to coordinate and group them by color or by season, etc but use a logical plan that works for you so it feels more organized.
  5. Cull the best of the rest: With the clothes which have been left in the “maybe” pile, try each one of them on using the same tactic above and you are likely to know quickly which ones you can let go and which ones surprise you with the question of why you haven’t worn it lately! Try to be very honest with yourself about which ones fit beautifully and can be back in the weekly line-up.  Consider your scarves or accessories as a way to revive any of the maybe’s which could look much better with the right accessory (or with a new one).
  6. Consignment or Charity: Of those which can be let go, divide them between definite consignment (typically based on the brand/label) and those which can be a gift to charity or a thrift store. With consignment, the new funds can be a great way to reward yourself with something new as long as you use your honest tactic of what looks amazing on you. If in doubt, take along a great friend who will be brutally honest with you!
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