When you start the daily “walk-for-30-minutes” routine because it’s good for you.. that motivation may only last a few days before the monotony of the same routine leads to an endless list of excuses as to why you need to skip it that day.  However, there are 9 good ways to motivate your approach to that daily walk!  Changing speed or direction, or incorporating meditation techniques can all be game changers which will put a spring in your step! As you read THIS LINK from Silver Sneakers, you may find the following takeaways:
1. Mix it up: after 3 to 5 minutes of a regular walking stride, change to walking sideways then do crossovers, then walk heel to toe (see the link for better descriptions) and the time will fly by nore easily while keeping your brain in gear too!
2. Use various meditation techniques: use the subtle inner focus of tai chi while walking – ie: use 5 minutes to observe your surroundings with only one of your senses; touch, sight, sound, smell, and taste.  For example, try to identify each and every sound you hear – which may take more than 5 minutes! This is probably going to change constantly as you continue your route. Change to use your sight to not only observe your surroundings but search for all in your view of one particular color or size or shape or things in motion from birds to leaves to squirrels.. Use your touch as you walk by bushes or fences or light posts, or focus on how your feet feel as you strike the pavement vs grass, and where else you feel it in your body. Try to see how many smells you can identify and let those smells take you back through memories which may lead to more memories, or perhaps inspire you to cook when you get home!
3. Try a Walk Race with yourself or a walking partner: more details in the link.
4. Try Fartleks: alternate fast walking with slow walking. Choose a spot in the distance and walk as fast as you can to that point then for 3 minutes walk slowly and rest before trying another mark. If you walk the same route, change up the mark you use as a goal to make things different.
5. If you use ear phones, trade music for a podcast series.. you would be surprised how fast a 30 minute walk flies by if you are listening to a great podcast.  There are many podcast series out there now, and you can find a topic that you specifically enjoy.
6. Improve your record: walk as fast as you can for 15 minutes and see where you end up. Relax with a slower walk the last 15 minutes. The next day try it again and see if you get a little further each day with that first 15 minutes  as you build up your stamina.
7. Breathe to the beat of your steps: you can change from breathing in and out with each step to a gradual breathing in for 4 counts and breathing out for 4 counts and alternatinve back to the breathing in and out with every step.
8. With a lightweight resistence band, do a few exercises with bicep curls and other simple routines to alternate as your minutes disappear.
9. LIIT: Low-intensity internal training. Walk for 5 to 8 minutes at your normal pace, then go briskly or jog for 90 seconds, then return to your normal walking pace but for only 3 to 5 minutes before doing another 90 second speedwalk.