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Seniors have fun with new appliance trends for 2025

Working in real estate with a higher percentage of Seniors now than ever before often brings to the surface many new ideas and the reasons behind them… and this one is certainly overdue in my opinion.  Although most of us take for granted the always-present view of a microwave somewhere in the kitchen, whether sitting on the counter or built-in to the wall cabinet area, a new trend building up steam is the Microwave Drawer. “A microwave drawer pulls out like a drawer instead of having a door that opens to the side… Aesthetically, it’s more pleasing and often hidden on the side of an island…”

Moving on to those of us who sometimes have an impromptu guest show up for whom we know a glass of chilled wine would be a perfect treat, if you need a quick solution to immediately chilling the room temp bottle of wine, try this magic: Cellar-Cooling-Single-Bottle-Water-Chiller. Compared to many pricier options at $99++, this one from Home Depot for $69.67 is a far better deal for your wallet.

If you love watching a great movie with popcorn at home, my friends are exploring several of these updated versions of the best-popcorn-makers-2025 which it seems are taking the risk out of burning popcorn, and delivering a failsafe movie snack for all to enjoy. From $10 to $50, they are all budget-worthy and I’m certainly going to step up my game!

In addition, if you ever tire of the tried-and-true butter and salt topping, prepare for a twist instead and try Butter, salt and chili powder – add a pinch of cayenne for a spicy kick! Or what about these? Let us know your favorite –

For more articles on a wide range of home topics from Martha Stewart, see home-appliance-trends-2025

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