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Part-Time Jobs for Seniors

You are retired, but you still have the itch to be productive. Or, you spent enough time indoors over the winter and are ready to engage with the world again. Whatever the reason, a part-time job may offer you structure, a social outlet, and a little fun money on the side.

One of the easiest ways to find work is to build on your past career. If you were a teacher, then tutoring may be rewarding. If you were an executive, then consulting is an alternative.

If you want to explore unmet passions, then now is an excellent time to work outside your sphere of expertise. There is a myriad of rising athletes in elementary and middle schools. Why not translate your love for tennis or soccer into a seasonal coach? As we learned HERE, starting a dog-walking business at 67-years-old proved very successful. Being a companion for someone’s furry friend may be just the way you’d like to spend your time.

For those seniors who like the comfort of their home, there are jobs for virtual assistants or customer service reps. Engaging with others over the phone or zoom may be all someone needs to defuse feelings of loneliness.

Read HERE about the opportunities of part-time work for seniors, and then begin your journey today!


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